Senior figures claimed an opposition bid to amend proposals for the future management of a historic site were not necessary.
An education group has submitted plans to extend one of the schools it runs to create a "secure" entrance area for visitors.
Senior councillors have branded the state of West Norfolk's hospital building as 'frightening' as they renewed their demands for funds to rebuild it.
Police have urged councillors to resist a new application when it comes before them later this week.
Infection rates are continuing to fall across our area, according to latest figures.
Developers of a new solar farm have rejected claims they're blocking a metal detectorist's bid to solve an 800-year-old mystery.
Millions of tulips are creating a colourful scene which could provide vital support for one of our area's best known good causes.
Union leaders have also warned of the prospect of a national rail strike as they plan to open a new ballot next week.
A national pub group has honoured West Norfolk campaigners for their fight to preserve their last local.
Hundreds of families flocked to Sandringham to enjoy some Easter fun thanks to Lynn-based Rotarians.
Campaigners say they have had 'productive' talks with MPs as the fight to secure a rebuild of Lynn's Queen Elizabeth Hospital continues.
Police have urged anyone who was near the scene of a fatal incident in Lynn to come forward.
A further death has only been reported now, even though the patient themselves died two months ago.
Pressure is growing for action as campaigners plan to head to Westminster tomorrow.
Detectives have tonight released the identity of the woman who died after being found with serious injuries in the early hours of Saturday.
Campaigners fear an application could be made at any time.
Work to provide new facilities at a West Norfolk parish church will begin this week.
Just four points from the opening weekend at Silverstone.
A senior council figure has welcomed initial talks on the establishment of a new body for the resort.
An encouraging qualifying session counted for little for the West Norfolk team today.