A major review of how Norfolk County Council works is planned, but opposition figures claim it shows what has gone wrong under its current leadership.
Thousands have signed a petition pleading for a climate emergency declaration, but the authority's leadership says it is moving faster than most.
Community leaders say new plans for a historic former hotel should be blocked when they are put before borough councillors next week.
Councillors are being urged to reject the scheme next week, despite support from local representatives and dozens of members of the public.
New figures indicate a fall in both infections and hospitalisations in West Norfolk.
An attempt to force a debate on the issue was blocked, despite a colourful protest by campaigners against it.
A protest has taken place as campaigners bid to force Norfolk County Council to oppose plans for a huge waste incinerator on West Norfolk's border.
A new environmental initiative between a community group and a Lynn Rotary club has been launched.
Police say the property has sustained 'severe structural damage', but the driver's injuries are not thought to be life-changing.
Delays are being reported on several nearby routes this afternoon.
Twelve deaths have now been reported in just a few days through new NHS figures.
Thousands of passengers were affected as overnight engineering works continued for much of the day too.
Police have appealed for help to trace the driver of the vehicle, which did not stop following the incident on Friday night.
Infection rates are continuing to climb sharply as health chiefs outlined plans for a spring booster plan, beginning next week.
Two councils are set to face challenges over their handling of a solar farm proposal which crosses the West Norfolk border.
Councillors have warned that smaller community projects are at risk of being 'pushed out' by larger schemes.
Civic leaders have thanked young carers for their vital work at an event in Lynn.
Police have appealed for witnesses following a fatal crash yesterday.
A special council meeting will take place next week as the row over who receives additional allowances continues.
Officials insist the move is necessary as infections in West Norfolk are up by more than 60 per cent, according to latest figures