A major new poll has suggested that the Conservatives’ grip on Norfolk teeters in the balance, with several seats within grasping distance of Labour.
Authorities across the county are sitting on more than a billion pounds of combined debt, with the vast majority held by just one council.
Major developments are planned across the borough which could alter the face of West Norfolk.
Major road projects are being planned across the county, changing the way people travel through Norfolk.
We have gone through the MPs’ register of interests, which sets out their earnings and donations, to find out how much each one is making.
Norfolk County Council has agreed to proceed with the devolution deal which will see a new mayor-style leader take control of the region.
Farm buildings on one of Norfolk’s grandest estates could be turned into a brewery and distillery.
Council tax bills are set to rise as substantial cuts are made to public services – a move branded an “admission of failure” by opposition groups.
Villagers in Norfolk’s holiday home heartland have delivered a resounding rejection of more people buying up weekend retreats in their community.
A massive solar farm in the countryside looks set to be given the green light to stay in place for an extra 13 years.
Parents and pupils are facing an anxious wait to see if the new school term will start as planned.
Clouded leopards, black buck antelope and ruffed lemurs are among the dangerous and exotic animals being kept on private properties in Norfolk.
A council looks set to give all its workers a significant pay boost to help recruit and retain staff.
It has earned an unwelcome reputation as Norfolk’s most noxious beach, but what exactly is behind the ongoing pollution problems there?
A housing developer owned by a Norfolk council has slashed the number of affordable houses it will build in a village.
Developers have been criticised after reducing the size of a proposed new housing estate meaning that they won’t have to provide any affordable homes.
More than 100 voters were turned away from polling stations in West Norfolk due to not having the correct ID.
A familiar face has returned to Norfolk County Council, a decade after saying he did not have “passion” for it in his departure.
With just days to go, these are all the candidates for the upcoming local elections.
A plan to cover a field on the edge of a town with large industrial batteries has been rejected by councillors, with fears it could be a fire risk.