With glamorous gowns, smart suits and top-notch transport, students turned on the glitz for their prom night.
A far-right political party is backing South West Norfolk MP Liz Truss to be the new Prime Minister.
Extinction Rebellion activists took part in a river litter pick to raise awareness of the poor health of the chalk stream.
You can get rockin’ and rollin’ next month as ‘Rave On - The Rise of Rock and Roll’ comes to town.
A 23-year-old woman has been charged in connection with a fatal collision on Friday.
Three people have been arrested and sound equipment seized after police shut down an unlicensed music event.
A lifeboat crew saved a family trapped on a sand bar by the rising tide and then assisted firefighters tackling a blaze.
Anglian Water has teamed up with the RSPB to help save a rare type of bird.
Students are celebrating their school’s ‘best ever’ GCSE results, despite their education having been disrupted by the pandemic.
A record sum of £783,134.25 funding for community projects has been agreed in the latest round of Community Infrastructure Levy applications.
An old telephone box has been refurbished and turned into a book exchange.
A plaque to commemorate the 45th anniversary of twinning between two towns in England and France has been presented.
A squash club has donated £526 to the Urology Cancer Sisters Fund.
Hospital nursing staff are celebrating after being shortlisted for two prestigious national awards.
A Class of 1980 school reunion is being held on Saturday.
Care home residents are celebrating after their home-grown fruit and veg won awards at a local horticultural show.
Two further arrests have been made in connection with an incident in a village last week.
Twenty-five sixth-formers enjoyed the adventure of a lifetime when they travelled to Thailand to care for rescued elephants.
A hospital partnered up with a Diabetes Network to co-host the Summer Games.
A village pub has opened a community café to provide a place for people to meet up, socialise and help combat loneliness.