We have an in-depth chat with West Norfolk Council leader about plans for devolution…
Sainsbury’s has said it will shut its remaining 61 in-store cafes as part of a major overhaul - including in Lynn.
James Wild has urged the Chancellor to think again and withdraw the Government’s controversial ‘tractor tax’.
Here is a timeline of Greg Hill’s journey from eccentric head teacher to a humiliated prisoner…
Police have issued yet another warning as fraudsters pretending to be officers continue to target vulnerable residents.
Progress continues to be made at Lynn’s new library - and a decision on the Carnegie building could be made within weeks.
A new healthcare facility and pharmacy will be built in Downham after being given the green light.
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital rebuild is now not expected to be complete until at least 2032 - raising serious concerns over patient safety.
Dangerous speeders, drug-drivers and car headbutters all wound up in Lynn Magistrates’ Court last week.
Norfolk County Council is believed to have balanced its budget for 2025/26 despite having to bridge a black hole of millions of pounds.
A man has lost his job after a drunken onslaught at a village pub saw him headbutt a car window.
A sign has been left heavily damaged on Lynn’s Hardwick roundabout following a crash on Friday night.
“A mother’s love for her son” led to her breaching a restraining order in a bid to see him.
A 34-year-old has been fined and disqualified from driving after being caught behind the wheel while already banned.
Disgraced head teacher Greg Hill has been remanded in custody once again after being charged with breaching his restraining order.
A 19-year-old laughed in the dock as a court heard about his drunken actions which saw him ejected from a nightclub.
A man demonstrated “clear remorse” by reporting himself to the police after breaching a court order.
A man’s drunken outburst saw him assault a worker in a town hotel.
A 24-year-old was caught drug-driving after officers discovered several “large white rocks” inside his packet of cigarettes.
A man breached a restraining order on multiple occasions after receiving “mixed messages” from his ex-partner.