A lifeboat crew rescued five people from a pleasure craft after it ran aground near Lynn at the weekend.
A Labour candidate was joined by a volunteer dressed as a poo emoji in a bid to highlight the area’s sewage problems.
A former head teacher made a trainee’s life “a living hell” by “trying to control her”, a court heard today.
“I’m in it to win it,” a Reform candidate has insisted as he bids to take Liz Truss’ seat at the general election.
North West Norfolk’s MP has been “sleeping on the job” for the past four years, according to the Labour candidate hoping to oust him.
A junior teacher was “egged on” by her mother to tell her head teacher “how she really felt about him”, a court heard.
A man in his 20s died after a serious crash at the start of this week.
Dramatic footage which captured the arrest of a former head teacher showed him shouting: “This is like George Floyd in America.”
A former head teacher committed a “classic abuse of power” by exerting his position over a 23-year-old trainee, a court has heard.
A landlord with a history of breaching safety regulations has been hit with a series of fines after allowing people to sleep in off-limit rooms.
The trial of a former head teacher who is accused of harassing a woman is set to start tomorrow.
A 22-year-old has been charged with attempted arson following an incident in West Winch last week.
A rogue roofer has been jailed for offences across Norfolk which he committed after being released from prison following similar crimes.
A Liberal Democrat candidate is aiming to take advantage of a “huge opportunity” and emerge victorious at next month’s general election.
The Green candidate for South West Norfolk has pledged to fix the ‘broken’ feeling in the area if she is elected.
As he bids to retain the North West Norfolk seat, James Wild insists there is “only one party that’s serious” about the issues facing the UK.
South West Norfolk’s Labour candidate believes he has what it takes to topple Liz Truss and emerge victorious from the general election.
James Bagge speaks exclusively to the Lynn News on why he thinks he is best placed to topple Liz truss at the general election.
“The pen is mightier than the sword” for a Green candidate preparing to take on his fourth general election in the borough.
Speaking exclusively to the Lynn News, Liz Truss has outlined her reasons as to why residents should still vote for her at the general election.