A man and woman have been jailed for working as part of an organised gang to steal more than £60,000 worth of stock from Morrisons supermarkets.
Plans to limit access to benefits for the long-term unemployed have been met with fierce criticism from a Trades Council figure.
West Norfolk’s MPs have thrown their weight behind Jeremy Hunt’s plans to boost growth by helping businesses across the country.
West Norfolk pubs are at odds over the impact new Government measures will have on them – while customers have been warned to expect price hikes.
Hundreds of millions of pounds are set to come to the east of England to improve our roads – but which West Norfolk highways are most in need?
There has been plenty of positive feedback since one of Lynn’s oldest pubs reopened earlier this month.
Stones were found on a village club’s floor after three windows were smashed in a suspected act of vandalism.
A woman who was arrested during a police response in Lynn’s town centre has been charged with theft.
The design work for a masterplan to transform the Southgates area of Lynn could be revealed in the middle of next year.
A dangerous driver travelled through three red lights during an organised car meet in Lynn at the weekend.
Next weekend, small businesses in West Norfolk will be celebrated – and urged to apply for funding to boost our town centres.
Residents will be able to have their say on a Neighbourhood Plan which will affect the way planning applications are handled in their village.
A listed office building will be transformed into two residential properties despite concerns about the noise coming from Lynn town centre events.
A new coastwatch facility has been greenlit in a bid to allow the “busiest station” in Norfolk to prevent further tragedies.
Rail services have been cancelled across the region after a person was hit by a train this afternoon.
An air ambulance was sent to the scene of a crash in Snettisham this morning.
An award-winning pub will not be allowed to keep an outdoor marquee up all-year round after being refused planning permission.
“Shocking and heart-breaking” statistics have highlighted the immense challenges West Norfolk families are facing to put food on the table this year.
Members of a wild swimming group have defended inviting children to an event at a pit where four people have drowned in the past decade.
North West Norfolk MP James Wild says he voted against a ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine conflict because it would likely be ignored by terrorists.