The new West Norfolk Council leader Terry Parish has discussed his aspirations for the future with the Lynn News.
Tributes have been paid to a “true gentleman” who devoted his life to serving the Royal British Legion and armed forces charities.
Two people were hospitalised and a road was closed after a crash on the A47.
Roadworks have been causing major delays on a main Lynn road – and they will remain in place for more than a week.
Firefighters were called to a domestic building fire yesterday evening.
E-scooters are set to be banned on some West Norfolk train services due to “potential risks” to passenger safety.
An “inadequate” school has made improvements since its last Ofsted report – but will still require special measures.
Residents have been promised a mobile banking facility as their town’s only branch prepares to shut.
Emergency services rushed to a busy town road this morning after a man fell from a window.
Plans to transform a historic town theatre have taken another step forward after the appointment of a chief architect.
A new spate of funding is set to boost farmers in the north of the borough.
A landlord has said that Poundland was offered “every opportunity” to stay in Lynn town centre – but it is now set to be replaced by another shop.
Residents have been left frustrated by a lack of support at their flood-damaged homes – and claim their young children have become ill as a result.
Women’s rights activists have urged Norfolk MPs to attend a Westminster debate which could help shape the Government’s interpretation of sex.
Various emergency services joined forces to rescue a man after he had become stranded at sea.
Three people were taken to hospital after a car struck a lamp post on the A10.
The doors at a popular town centre discount store will close within a fortnight.
Three vehicles, including a lorry, were involved in a crash on the A149 this afternoon.
Firefighters managed to extinguish a blaze on a country road this morning.
Crews rushed to fight a domestic building fire in Lynn yesterday afternoon.