A popular pizza brand is set to open a new store at the start of next month.
West Norfolk’s Independent group looks set to take minority control of the borough council after reaching an agreement with Labour members.
Two neighbourhood plans will be unveiled for public consultation towards the end of this week.
The county council could look to impose controversial Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in the area – but critics argue that they have little public support.
A town’s community gardens have been officially rewarded for their impact on the surrounding community.
A motorcyclist has been taken to hospital after a crash at a town roundabout.
A paralysed war veteran is walking the length of the UK in support of a Lynn charity.
An “inadequate” primary school has been handed yet another blow after receiving a termination warning notice.
A woman suffered head injuries following a crash on Lynn’s Hardwick roundabout this morning.
Fire crews were called to extinguish a vehicle blaze at a town industrial estate.
A 69-year-old is set to face trial after being charged with four offences – including threatening a woman with an offensive weapon.
A 43-year-old crashed into a parked vehicle while he was more than four times the legal drink-driving limit.
A “good family man” stole more than £200 worth of items from the same supermarket across a three-week period.
A man has been handed a fine after refusing to move on from a drunken argument in Lynn town centre.
A man swore at police, raised his fists and grabbed a member of the public during a drunken rampage in a town park.
A man with a “very clear drug problem” was more than ten times the legal cocaine limit when he was pulled over by police.
A driver was found to be over the limit after he was spotted swerving across a busy A road.
A man crashed into a bus stop after taking ketamine – but his solicitor has promised he is on the road to recovery.
A man was caught driving by police just 13 days after being disqualified.
A woman has been told to pay compensation to a door staff member she slapped outside a town pub.