A young couple were over the moon to welcome a baby boy to the world on New Years Day.
A consultation on a masterplan for the Southgates area of Lynn suggests public approval of the scheme is strong.
Up to £200 in funding has been made available to those organising events to celebrate the King's coronation later this year.
A 92-year-old was forced to wait in the back of an ambulance for 12 hours due to no beds being available.
Three men are set to face trial after police seized vans and quad bikes following reports of suspicious behaviour.
A chalet which sits under a historic village castle could be demolished due to it being "at odds" with the surrounding area.
Liz Truss has eased fears over lengthy trips to collect undelivered parcels after holding talks with Royal Mail bosses.
A woman has vowed to chain herself to a bus in protest at a “vital” service being cut.
A new development will be named after a First World War veteran - but expected costs are expected to rise above £50million.
Delays have left nearly 80% of patients waiting outside in ambulances at Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital - the fourth most in England.
A seafront B&B will be reverted back into a residential property after planning permission was granted.
A man who was evicted from assisted living accommodation is now couch-surfing - and is uncertain over his future.
Police have launched an appeal to trace a wanted man who has breached a court order.
Aspiring drivers may be forced to push back their tests if industrial action goes ahead.
Women have been left “nervous” and “frightened” by mystery offenders knocking on their doors in the dead of night.
Nurses at Lynn’s QEH did not go on strike after failing to meet a voting threshold - but some outpatient activity has been cancelled.
A councillor has accused striking ambulance staff of committing an “act of pure evil” - but another continues to back their industrial action.
Campaigners continue to slam MPs for a lack of action at Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital – and dressed up as the Grinch for their latest protest.
A village mechanic stole the stage when he took first prize after appearing on a national television show.
A couple are celebrating a Christmas “miracle” after the successful birth of their first child.