A school has denied asking parents to foot the bill for their children’s books.
West Norfolk bosses were unable to comment on Government plans which could see residents told to pay 5% more in council tax.
An animal-lover’s friends have launched an appeal to try and save her beloved horse.
A scheme allowing residents to have their say on an access road for new housing developments has been launched.
Police have taken action in a bid to curb anti-social behaviour involving people riding mini-motorbikes on public tracks.
A three-vehicle crash on the A10 caused severe delays of up to 20 minutes.
Two West Norfolk chippies have made the final five in the race to be crowned the best in the country.
A town toy store has set up shop at a new location as it looks forward to an exciting future.
Residents of all ages turned out in their hundreds to mark Remembrance Sunday in Hunstanton.
Community groups, bands and emergency services congregated for a town's Remembrance Day parade.
Residents and businesses are pulling together to help a town pub deliver free Christmas dinners to people struggling with loneliness.
A set of faulty traffic lights have been successfully replaced in Lynn.
Downham's WaffleOpolis store is set to reopen tomorrow - just one week after it was supposed to close for good.
Police have launched an appeal after the driver of a van failed to stop at a three-vehicle collision.
Mystery surrounds whether Lynn’s Wetherspoon pub will undergo a major refurbishment despite it being granted planning permission.
Police were called to a three vehicle collision earlier this afternoon.
Electric car drivers can no longer charge their vehicles for free at Gaywood Tesco due to a series of new tariffs.
There have been no Saturday trains operating at Lynn's station today.
Drivers are experiencing delays of around ten minutes on the A47 due to a reported obstruction on the road.
A poor Ofsted rating has contributed to an upheaval which will see a Lynn school being shifted to a new academy trust.