Vulnerable residents being left unable to use their toilets or showers has led to an MP calling for better flood preparedness in West Norfolk.
The first resident has moved into a newly-built, state-of-the-art care home in town.
A new-look Post Office has re-opened after extensive building work, greatly increasing the branch opening hours.
A huge turnaround at a school which was deemed “inadequate” just two years ago has seen it receive a positive visit from Ofsted.
Doubts have been cast over West Norfolk Council’s future amid rumours that the Labour Government is planning to abolish district authorities.
New swimming pools could be built in two towns under exciting plans revealed by West Norfolk Council today.
James Wild has launched a consultation in a bid to hear about the issues facing small business owners.
A school’s admissions policy could be altered to combat “significant issues” with youngsters not being offered a place at their local academy.
Works to install innovative electronic signs on a stretch of road which often becomes impassable as a result of flooding have kicked off.
A new group is aiming to give survivors of childhood sexual abuse a place to heal - with members calling for “no more silence”.
An ambitious project to reinstate a historic village railway platform is in “jeopardy” due to a lack of funding.
The victim of a fatal collision on the A47 has now been identified, the police have confirmed.
A new healthcare facility and pharmacy will make “a massive difference” in Downham as the town continues to grow, the team proposing it has said.
Norfolk's gritting fleet was sent out for the first run of the season last night as icy weather hit the area.
Prolific shoplifters were the theme of the week in court - with toys, DJ decks and food among the items stolen.
Police are still attempting to identify the victim of a fatal collision on the A47.
An infant school which has its “pupils’ best interests at heart” is celebrating after a positive Ofsted inspection.
People of all ages gathered to protest against the impending closure of a village care home.
The A47 was closed off last night as a police investigation was launched after a serious crash.
Councillors were divided over whether or not they need to create an “action plan” for the next five years.