A school has accidentally sent out students' personal information to student email addresses.
A silver pinhead found by a metal detector in a West Norfolk village has been classified as treasure, an inquest has heard.
Network Rail have confirmed a return to normal scheduling to trains running from Lynn into London as of tomorrow (Wednesday).
Plans have been unveiled to build 12 houses on the site where four homes burnt down in a West Norfolk village.
It may just be the start of October, but one business has already kickstarted the Halloween season with a bang.
A local MP has ran the London Marathon this weekend to raise money for three charities based in West Norfolk.
A cause of a fire in a West Norfolk village has been identified in a new report.
A West Norfolk county councillor has been campaigning to get better funding for mobile library services.
An application for a waste incinerator plant being built in Wisbech has taken another step forward.
A reception was held in Lynn’s town hall to thank a group of volunteers for their hard work.
A filmmaker from Lynn has released a new episode of his on-going YouTube series, Zey The Mouse.
A rare opportunity to live among royalty has arisen in Norfolk, as Station House comes to market right in the heart of Sandringham Estate.
A missing cat has been reunited with his owners after being missing for over a week.
Have you spotted a large black cat in the North Lynn area?
The return of the annual Grand East Anglian Run (GEAR) has been announced for 2023.
Residents have complained about poor water quality coming from their taps.
Norfolk Police are asking for resident's say on policing priorities in three towns in West Norfolk in Priority Setting Meetings.
Residents in the Fairstead and Gaywood areas of Lynn have been left with little to no water after a leak.
A fundraising bingo night is being held at Watlington Social Club in aid of two charities.
GirlGuiding members of all ages have renewed their promise to the King in North Wootton.