Club stages charity effort in town supermarket
The deaths of two men in a horror crash on the A47 near Guyhirn yesterday show how much needs to be done to improve the route, says mayor.
Landlords face fines of thousands of pounds if homes are not sufficiently energy efficient
One person has been taken to hospital following a multi-vehicle crash in Outwell this morning.
Organisers hail weekend as one of the busiest of summer so far
Michael Elcombe, 45, of Cley Road, Swaffham, died when the bus he was driving was involved in a collision with a lorry at about 7.30am on Tuesday.
Staff at Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust (NCH&C) are celebrating after being awarded an ‘outstanding’ rating for their care.
King’s Lynn Golf Club’s ladies captain, Sally Bettinson, has chosen to support Macmillan Cancer Support as her charity of the year.
A former RAF serviceman from Downham has brought home four medals after serving his country again in a major sporting event.
West Norfolk Council’s deputy mayor joined others at St Nicholas’s Chapel on Thursday to view a Lego model of the place of worship.
A group of West Norfolk parents are readying to take on the National Three Peaks Challenge to raise money for their village school.
Officers are investigating the possibility that two spates of burglaries in West Norfolk are linked.
Council chiefs may not have enough money to pay for adult social care in West Norfolk next year, an industry group has warned.
Thousands gathered in Swaffham Market Place to watch the Grenadier Guards pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the First World War.
Homes were left charred with “significant” damage following a serious blaze in North Lynn on Saturday.
Pupils from Wormegay Primary School became Mini Medics on Thursday when they were taught first aid.
Police have appealed for help to trace three people seen near the scene of a burglary in Russett Close, Gaywood, last Wednesday.
Students from College of West Anglia have been selling hand-made cat and dog accessories and toys to raise money for the RSPCA.
Students thanked for their support
Five crews called to incident