A mother punched a community centre staff member after they told her children to keep the noise down.
A man from West Norfolk has been charged with assault.
This is the tear-jerking moment a dad ran onto a pitch to celebrate his young son scoring a goal in his first match since finishing cancer treatment.
Greggs stores across the UK have been hit by technical issues preventing them from accepting payments, forcing some to close.
Sainsbury’s has said it is experiencing “technical issues” meaning it will not be able to fulfil the “vast majority” of online grocery deliveries.
This is a show that starts with a bang as we are immediately faced with a shootout that sees America’s most wanted couple finally meeting their fate.
The landlady of an 18th century pub says it may be forced to close due to persistent flooding.
A 20-year-old who was stopped by police admitted to having cannabis on him.
A resident who was banned from his local shop thought it would be okay to go back in – and left with a bottle of gin he did not pay for.
A 37-year-old who punched a woman – causing bruising to her face – has been sentenced.
“Not an accomplished thief” were the words a solicitor used to describe his client who was caught stealing two bottles of whiskey.
A man in his 20s accused of attempting to murder a man in his 80s has appeared in court.
A man denied ten sexual offences against a child when he appeared at Crown Court today.
Police who saw a 41-year-old lingering by the house of a “well-known drug dealer” had £100 worth of cocaine on him.
“F**k off mate you will break my shoulder you p****k” were the words of a 38-year-old who shouted at a police officer while being arrested.
An alcoholic who was banned from drinking in town centre this year was seen downing a can of cider at the bus station.
A 49-year-old who was weaving in the road was 16 times the drug-drive limit.
A 27-year-old clocked driving at 120mph and swerving in the road also had drugs on him.
A recent survey at a town hospital has highlighted positive feedback for the maternity unit.
A town’s befriending group is encouraging older people to come along and have a bit of fun.