Campaigners have raised concerns about the blocking-up of a bridge over a historic rail route, saying it will prevent cyclists from using it.
A stand-off has emerged between two Norfolk councils over the cost of parking enforcement.
The prospect of a new railway station to serve a planned 4,000-home development has been talked down by council officials.
Six homes have been approved in a West Norfolk village, despite concerns about noise, traffic and a loss of privacy.
A battle between two supermarket chains is taking place in a West Norfolk town.
A new walking and cycling link between two towns could be created along a former railway line, officials have revealed.
A major push to get people out of their cars and onto bikes has been unveiled, with schemes planned across 20 of the county’s towns and villages.
A council’s refusal for 43 new homes to be built in a village has been overturned by the Planning Inspectorate, despite fears over children’s safety.
Twenty-six new schools will need to be built in the next ten years to accommodate Norfolk’s growing population, the county council has said.
Health bosses have warned the region’s health and care system is under “extreme pressure” due to high demand, rising staff sickness and bed-blocking.
A parish council has unanimously voted to oppose plans for a new solar farm.
A £1.7m contract is up for grabs as part of a plan to transform a theatre believed to have been performed at by Shakespeare himself.
Former prime minister Liz Truss is objecting to a major waste incinerator project being built just outside her constituency.
The government is falling short on its pledge to ‘level up’ the region, according to the first major assessment of the flagship policy.
Councillors have unanimously agreed to more than double the number of homes granted permission on a village development.
Liz Truss, the former prime minister, has expressed concern over the future of a Royal Mail sorting office in her area.
A new business in a market town has applied for permission to sell alcohol until 11pm most nights of the week.
Concerns have been raised that fresh delays from the government in delivering ‘Levelling Up’ funding could damage regeneration projects.
A council has warned that it is spending roughly nine times as much cash on B&B accommodation than it normally would, due to rising homelessness.
One of Norfolk’s newest MPs has confirmed he will fight the next general election.