A councillor’s ten-year feud with officers has now led to a high court battle – running up thousands of pounds in legal costs in the process.
A council is looking for help to catch stray or escaped dogs, which could fetch a contractor up to £500,000.
Flood defences along a vulnerable stretch of coastline are to be shored up through improvement works.
The number of people rough sleeping or are at risk of being homeless has risen in a town sparking fears the situation could get worse.
But an ancient castle in a rural village continues to act as a buttress against modern life’s encroachment upon rural countryside.
It was a common lockdown trend which saw people create new office space at their property to allow them to work from the comfort of their own home.
It is set to raise millions of pounds from some of West Norfolk’s coastal villages when it comes into force.
A church in West Norfolk could be deconsecrated nearly a century after it fell into ruin.
A former West Norfolk MP has sent a legal letter to the prime minister to demand he stops saying she “crashed the economy”.
Plans for a major transformation to modernise West Norfolk Council could end up being pointless if a radical overhaul goes ahead, councillors fear.
A unique cottage built by a famed local fisherman has caused a fracture at West Norfolk Council.
A developer has been told to “jolly well get a move on” after stalled talks threatened to derail a major West Norfolk homes development.
A growing tourist spot is about to become even bigger after plans for more holiday lodges and a wildlife lake were given the green light.
A glamping site owner who disabled a trio of bird scarers he says were placed around his campsite to harass his guests has been charged with theft.
Council leaders in Norfolk are kicking up a stink about Government plans to introduce new food recycling rules.
One of the biggest housing projects in the county is under threat due to continued negotiations over community levy payments.
A bid to create a new wildlife lake, nature reserve and eight holiday lodges looks set for approval despite objections.
Nearly 400 children are currently homeless in Norfolk with the latest figures showing the scale of the issue remains at a record high.
It has been welcoming hundreds of thousands of pilgrims every year for nearly a millennia.
A new study has revealed where the worst places for mobile phone signal are in Norfolk.