A parish council in West Norfolk is considering employing a private security firm to patrol the village after several weeks of vandalism.
A campaign to raise £19,300 to allow more children to enjoy learning outside the classroom in West Norfolk will be launched next month.
A coffee morning has honoured the memory of a West Norfolk resident and raised more than £1,000 for charity in her name.
A man from Denver will be putting a marathon effort into fundraising for St John Ambulance next year.
Youngsters in Southery have been putting their creative skills to the test at a junior technology tournament.
A palliative care ward at Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital has been boosted thanks to a charity golf day in Heacham.
Nurse vacancy rates at Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital are at an all time low, following a successful recruitment campaign.
A road close to Downham's railway station has been shut today due to work to repair a burst water main.
A man who has been twice-rejected from joining a parish council has spoken of his bemusement at the situation.
Three hundred ex-battery hens were handed over to new owners at a national welfare charity’s rehoming event in West Norfolk last week.
A memorial to Alderman Frederick George Jackson, who was the driving force behind a former community special school, is set to be unveiled tomorrow.
A child has been taken to hospital following a collision in Downham this morning.
The Lynn News will be bringing you the latest coverage from the hustings as it happens this evening – with proceedings starting from 7pm.
A 10-year-old girl from Lynn is organising a bingo evening next week to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust.
A couple who work at a GP surgery are holding a charity ball in Lynn next week to support a cause which they have seen affect a number of patients.
Police are appealing for witnesses following the theft of a Kubota tractor worth £3,500 from Walpole St Andrew.
An in-home care company in West Norfolk has been rated as Outstanding after an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Morrisons in Lynn is opening its café to Christmas party groups this year – offering £7.50 a head three-course meals.
A national hen welfare charity is giving people in Norfolk the chance to welcome some new feathery additions into their family this weekend.
TV Licensing has revealed a small number of households in Lynn are still watching programmes in black and white.