A father has cycled from John O’Groats to Land’s End with his brother to support a Lynn organisation which has helped his son.
A Lynn-based housing association has once again donated £5,000 to seven community groups who are making a difference across West Norfolk.
Students at St Clement's High School in Terrington St Clement have raised £503 for charity by dressing down for a day.
Police are warning they will take strong action against anyone taking part in hare coursing in West Norfolk.
A vintage calendar is part of a village fundraising group’s efforts to give back to a charity which has helped them over the years.
Police are appealing for information after a number of vehicles were damaged in Fakenham.
An auction and fete in Downham next month will aim to raise funds to refurbish “awful” facilities used by Girlguiding groups.
Homewood Wellbeing will offer support to individual adults and their families who are “struggling to cope”.
Dozens of people joined together in Downham on Sunday to mark the 79th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.
Dancers in Gaywood were in for a surprise yesterday evening, when they found out they were being filmed live for The One Show on BBC One.
A school of nursing could be the answer to the shortage of staff at Lynn’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital – where there is currently about 190 vacancies.
Cadets from 42F Squadron Air Training Corps will exercise their Freedom of the Borough with a parade through Lynn on Sunday.
Police are appealing for help to identify a man after an incident of criminal damage in Lynn earlier this month.
A fire crew from Lynn was called to the scene of a child trapped in a swing in Tilney St Lawrence yesterday evening.
The family of an RAF Marham serviceman who died after sustaining a head injury on Friday have thanked people for their support.
A Downham man has cycled 1,000 miles from Land’s End to John O’Groats to raise funds for Norfolk and Waveney Mind.
A West Norfolk woman is campaigning to stop counselling notes of rape survivors being used in court.
Fire crews rescued a cow which was stuck on Terrington Marsh on Tuesday.
A West Norfolk politician has told of his experience of sepsis, to coincide with an international day of awareness.
It was a case of 24 hours on the run at the weekend to celebrate King’s Lynn parkrun’s eighth birthday.