Over two thirds of homes in West Norfolk fail to meet long-term energy efficiency targets according to new data.
A landlord of a nearby pub says he is against the road being closed three times.
Dozens of communities in West Norfolk are set to benefit from highway improvements, thanks to a county council initiative.
A project which supports bereaved Armed Forces schoolchildren in Norfolk has been officially launched at a special event at the House of Lords.
A school has shared advice on the coronavirus after a half-term ski trip in Italy – which is now the European country worst affected by the virus.
An elderly man has lost thousands of pounds after he was targeted by scammers in Lynn.
A number of jobs in West Norfolk are thought to be at risk after Tesco announced its intentions to adapt its in-store bakeries.
Planning officials have recommended that proposals to convert a Downham hotel to housing be approved when the application is discussed at a meeting.
Hundreds of newborn lambs are expected at a West Norfolk farm over the next few months, with visitors invited to interact with the new arrivals.
A priest has warned other churches in the West Norfolk area to be vigilant after an attempted lead theft last week.
Police are appealing for information after more than £30,000 worth of brass and steel were stolen from a business in Fakenham.
Police are appealing for witnesses after a lorry driver in his 60s was allegedly assaulted in Fincham last week.
A wellbeing event will be held in West Norfolk next week as part of a new project aiming to improve the health of fishermen in the region.
The owners of a grey cat missing from the South Lynn area are appealing for help to find the animal.
Officials hope more people will be able to enjoy an historic tradition in Downham next month when the event moves to a weekend.
Officials at Lynn’s QEH have developed a £250m case to modernise facilities, after being turned down for funding for a new hospital.
A former Downham teacher put his general knowledge to the test when he appeared as a contestant on ITV's quiz show The Chase this week.
Police are appealing for witnesses after a teenager suffered a knife injury to his hand during an incident in Middleton on Saturday.
A Lynn businessman has said he will appeal a decision to refuse plans to extend opening hours at Bar One Hundred.
Norfolk County Council’s budget proposals have been passed following a four-hour meeting covering topics ranging from council tax to cuts to services.