Two members of staff from a popular Downham restaurant will set off on the first leg of a 200-mile walk today to raise funds for Heather Bellamy.
A prolific burglar who stole goods worth tens of thousands of pounds has been handed a four-year jail sentence.
A Heacham man who became paralysed from the waist down after an accident at work has said he has received “unbelievable” support.
A former landlord of a Downham pub which closed last month has said business rates, brewery prices and competition from a nearby chain “destroyed” it.
Dozens of people have been recognised for their support of the King’s Lynn Winter Night Shelter’s first season at a reception at Lynn’s town hall.
A popular pub in Downham has closed its doors, citing the "current climate" as the reason for its closure.
A former Downham resident has released her debut book, which details 20 creative home projects using recycled wooden pallets.
A group of youngsters were given an early Easter surprise on Friday when they were introduced to day-old chicks at a care home.
A study has revealed the possibility of connecting the M11 in Cambridgeshire to the A47 in the area around Wisbech and Guyhirn.
Pupils at a school in Downham have raised £477.44 for East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH).
Athletes from the Marquettes Baton Twirlers of Downham have once again proved themselves on the floor of competition, at an event on Sunday.
Easter-themed games, stalls and activities have helped raise £433 towards a West Norfolk village school’s project.
A seven-year-old girl from Downham is set to lose about 40cm of hair later this month to support a fellow resident of the town.
In the month running up to the Downham Games, members of the community are being encouraged to take as many steps as possible.
After almost two years of campaigning to keep their village pub open, residents in Northwold are celebrating news it has been sold.
A Lynn-based children’s charity has been boosted thanks to bake sales held at a number of Alive Leisure’s West Norfolk venues this morning.
A woman from Marham who encourages recycling in her community and organises litter picks has been recognised for her eco achievements.
A nurse on a Lynn mental health ward invited patients to vote on whether they wished to see two others fight, a misconduct hearing has been told.
MPs in West Norfolk will be “pushing flat out” to get eight-coach trains on the line from Lynn to King’s Cross as soon as possible
Just months after replacing an apprentice’s stolen tools, a West Winch businessman has said he is “gutted” after his van was taken while on a job.