A Burnham Market businesswoman will be one of thousands taking to the streets of Lynn this weekend for the annual Grand East Anglia Run (GEAR).
A second Downham pub may be “forced” to close this year, which its landlady says is due to the competition with a chain in the town.
New photos of Princess Charlotte, two of which were taken in West Norfolk, have been released to celebrate her fourth birthday.
West Norfolk man's dying wish to get married granted with help from hospice and rector
Police are investigating after a spate of bin fires in Swaffham in the early hours of yesterday morning (Tuesday, April 30).
West Norfolk Council’s planning committee will raise no objection to a Norfolk County Council application to change the use of a recycling centre.
A service of remembrance for those who have taken their own lives will be held at King’s Lynn Minster on Saturday.
Members of West Norfolk Council’s planning committee approved detailed proposals for a site of 94 homes in South Lynn at its meeting yesterday.
A Lynn man has admitted killing a man from Downham almost nine years ago.
A theatre company from St Clement’s High School, in Terrington St Clement, will perform BLACKOUT at King’s Lynn Arts Centre on Tuesday, April 23.
A man from Lynn who has raised more than £2,000 for a meningitis charity is encouraging others to take on fundraising challenges.
A fundraising group which supports people living with cancer in West Norfolk has welcomed its new chairman.
An inaugural music festival will be held in Downham this year, bringing a weekend of live entertainment to the town.
A Downham restaurant has marked its 22nd anniversary with a fundraising party held in the town hall at the weekend.
Patients from across West Norfolk are being urged to help the NHS to help them by using healthcare services wisely over the weekend.
Police are conducting high-visibility patrols in the area around West Acre today, following an attempted robbery yesterday.
A charity football match has raised hundreds to support a Heacham man who became paralysed after an accident at work last year.
The Asda Foundation Grand East Anglia Run in Lynn is close to selling out for the third year in a row.
Two Downham residents are set to reach the halfway mark of a 250-mile walk from their workplace to Cardiff today to support Heather Bellamy.
Residents in North Lynn are set to take to the streets this afternoon in a bid to tackle flytipped waste.