06 November 2019
A well-known West Norfolk face is set to stand for Labour at next month's general election.
05 November 2019
A broadcaster who has been a familiar voice in West Norfolk for more than a decade is hoping to swap the studio for Parliament.
27 May 2019
But pro-Remain activists say they have also made significant advances at the ballot box
27 May 2019
New party scoops nearly half the vote
24 May 2019
Turnout is slightly down on the last European polls
17 May 2019
A candidate who narrowly lost out on a key West Norfolk Council seat is considering a formal challenge to the result of the election
04 May 2019
A handful of votes make the difference in recounts, as council leader blames Brexit for Tory losses
04 May 2019
Alistair Beales wished his opponent well as he bowed out after 12 years on the borough council
04 May 2019
The new council chamber will look very different after the elections
04 May 2019
The group will form the main opposition in the new council
03 May 2019
Truss: No room for complacency; Bellingham: Time to pass May's Withdrawal Agreement
03 May 2019
The balance of power is on a knife-edge after significant Conservative losses
09 April 2019
The surge in independent candidates is set to be a key feature of the forthcoming campaign
04 April 2019
Twenty-nine Independents among hopefuls bidding for seats on new look council
29 March 2019
A chance to find out information from councillors while also chatting to friends over coffee
17 May 2018
A new town mayor has been elected during a meeting in Downham.