Past and presents
I thought I would write a retrospective overview of this last year, as is tradition, and offer some highs, lows and insight into the past 365 days or so.
January: Those of you avid Beake Speaks followers (Sue from Savers) will know that I often mention Chris Packham, a childhood idol whom I have now met several times.
They say don’t meet your idols but through BBC’s Winterwatches at Wild Ken Hill, it is always a pleasure to go along to the press days with CP as I call him and Michaela Strachan.
February: I was regularly taking part in a Zumba zoom class, leaping around the living room and knocking ornaments off the mantelpiece. Fast forward and I am now clinically overweight and must try harder.
March: I interviewed comedian Ed Gamble (pictured), soon to appear at Alive Corn Exchange, who was in transit and chatted while he was at a petrol station.
I asked if he was ok and he said ‘no I’m filling up here’.
Also saw Friends the Musical and it was hilarious.
April: Celebrated my 47th birthday.
May: Ran the GEAR 10k in one hour and ten minutes with my ever so patient partner who ran it a couple of minutes faster, pal Steph in 53 minutes, and Annie, for whom I will be a bridesmaid next year, my Zumba teacher, in an amazing 45 minutes.
A sit down was much required in the middle of the Tuesday Market Place.
I also acted as auctioneer at the Pandora Project’s ball which raised £1,785.
June: Celebrated our anniversary with my ever so patient partner.
We think it’s the second Wednesday in June, and went out on the motorbike, a hobby we love.
July: My good pal Robin turned 80.
My vegan friend came to stay and we got matching tattoos.
Whereabouts you may well ask ? In Norwich, at a tattooist.
August: Looked after a baby puppy dog and even though I don’t identify as a dog person, I cried when he left. Had a great time reviewing the Pride event in Lynn.
September: Interviewed and subsequently met Jenny Eclair the comedian.
Went to Sandringham to cover the news of the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
October: Got The Covid after having missed it for the whole pandemic. Not recommended.
November: Hosted a comedy night at the Duke’s Head for the Pandora Project which raised funds for the charity. Reviewed the Thursford Spectacular which was just that - spectacular.
December: Enjoyed the Lynn News’ Christmas party with the team and the lead up to festivities including visiting Holkham Hall for their candlelit tour with fellow reporter Molly Nicholas.
My New Year’s resolution is to do Veganuary. Let’s hope it’s not a missed-steak.
Wish me luck.
Happy ‘News’ Year!