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Memory Lane Schooldays: Harvest festival treats for the elderly

A harvest festival bridged the generation gap at Lynn’s Red Cross Hall in October, 1981, when students from Lynn’s Springwood High School took a brief break from their studies to give a helping hand to members of the older generation.

The pupils from the third, fourth, fifth and sixth year classes had collected harvest produce and food items to make up gift parcels.

Representatives from each age group took them to the Red Cross Hall in Austin Fields to hand over the gifts to about 80 elderly folk who met there each week. Along with each parcel there was a buttonhole made by the girls and staff.

Lynn News Photograph from the Archive Files, for Monthly Lookback Feature Pages...MLNF-WC9737..Lynn News October 1981, Springwood students provide gifts for the elderly.. (17387918)
Lynn News Photograph from the Archive Files, for Monthly Lookback Feature Pages...MLNF-WC9737..Lynn News October 1981, Springwood students provide gifts for the elderly.. (17387918)

The students also served tea, and provided some entertainment with song and dance routines. Photo: MLNF-WC9737

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