King’s Lynn Beake Speaks column sees the future as orange
Change can be a daunting thing. Making changes to become a better version of yourself is good but requires effort. I changed over my handbags recently and it gave me the impetus to tidy up my walk-in wardrobe.
My ever-so-patient-partner has a man drawer in our, my, walk in wardrobe and also a mini-gym.
So I decided that I wanted to use a different handbag on the daily, and what coulda, woulda, shoulda been a fairly quick change, took ages.
I sifted through all my bags, emptying them of old receipts, scrumpled up sweet wrappers, an orange that had gone rock hard and some useful items such as my glasses case which I had been wondering where I had put.
I was swapping my pink bag to a slightly bigger pink bag. I do love pink.
Everything was successfully swapped and checked and all my bags were put inside another bag to create a bag in a bag in a bag.
I also found my bag in a bag to put in my new bag.
It was, in my humble opinion, a successful use of two hours.
As a pontificator and trash tv watcher it takes me a while to accept change.
I moved around a lot when I was younger, and though I can see the good points about it now, it was hard to join groups and fit in.
Something we no doubt all feel at some point in our life. I wouldn’t say I was a natural group oriented person.
I like a little space at times and I respect that sometimes we need to be in groups and that others need company.
When I was at university I decided to throw myself into it and joined the hockey team.
I never turned up, apart from when they met socially on a Sunday evening, but at least I joined, that was the first step. Still to this day I never played one game of hockey, but I don’t think anyone noticed.
It is easy to assume that people should accept change but it can be hard to do that.
A reunion is being planned at my old primary school and I do wonder if I want to revisit that old dynamic of groups that I experienced at school.
Because I moved on from that school to another part of the country I never went up to secondary school with those peers.
So I still don’t know where I fit in. I look back on my school days with a mixture of happiness and feelings that I am glad I am no longer at school where those group situations can make you and others feel alienated.
Do I want to revisit that part of life or remember it as I do, always sunny or always snowing. That’s Hull for you.
But back to the present day and with all my bags sorted out I delved into the new one I was using and found the rock hard orange.
I ate it. Every cloud.