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King’s Lynn Air Cadets welcome new recruits

The 42F King's Lynn Air Cadets welcomed in their first batch of new cadets following the lengthy period of lockdown.

The cadet enrolment followed a period of intensive training which saw them covering a series of introductory training modules.

These included the history of flight, airmanship, map reading and expedition training, completion of which saw them awarded their first class cadet badge, the first of many that they can study for while in the cadets.

Norfolk and Suffolk Wing Chaplain Canon Ron Tuck Enrols Cadets (50832999)
Norfolk and Suffolk Wing Chaplain Canon Ron Tuck Enrols Cadets (50832999)

The cadets meet each Monday and Thursday and are provided with a full uniform and, over time, can undertake various activities, including air experience flights in either the powered Grob Tutor aircraft or the Grob Viking Glider.

The Officer Commanding 42F Sqn, Flt Lt Pauline Petch said “It's great to see so any young cadets coming back in to the squadron after such a long period of being away, when it was only possible to conduct training virtually.

"By holding our weekly virtual cadet training nights throughout lockdown, we were at least able to retain the interest of our core cadet team but it was vital to our future success that we were able to welcome in new cadet recruits and hopefully those now being enrolled will be the first of many”

The enrolment service was undertaken by the Norfolk and Suffolk Wing RAF Air Cadets Chaplain, the Canon Ron Tuck, who recited the air cadet oath after which he presented each cadet with their personal bible.

The next intake of cadets takes place in September, this being preceded by a virtual open evening for those interested in joining together with their parents. The minimum age for entry is 12 years and in school year 8. All interested should email 42@rafac.mod.gov.uk for further details of the open evening.

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