Award for Swaffham’s Lions club veteran
Published: 17:04, 14 July 2018
A community stalwart who has served as part of Swaffham’s Lions club for more than three decades has been given one of the movement’s top awards.
Colin Mowles was one of the club’s founding members in 1984 and has served in all its officer roles, as well as at regional level.
Now, his contribution has been recognised through the presentation of a Mervyn Jones Fellowship, named in memory of the founder of the Lions movement.
The presentation was made during the club’s handover meeting, when the chain of the presidential office passed from Pam Tallon to Alan Jude.
The meeting also saw a new member inducted into the club. Hazel Catlett had been a Lion at Chippenham before moving to Swaffham with her husband Peter.