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Cabinet appointment is icing on the cake for Springwood ward councillor

Independent councillor Jo Rust writes the weekly Friday Politics column...

Since my last column in July, I’ve been given a new post on the council. I’m now the cabinet member for People and Communities, areas which I’m absolutely committed to serving.

I had a wry smile when I read the former leader of the council, Stuart Dark’s reference to me as a “controversial” appointment. I’m pretty certain when Springwood Ward residents re-elected me in May this year they didn’t see me as controversial. I’m pretty certain that even the residents who didn’t vote for me still know that I’ll continue to work as hard for them as I do everyone else.

Cllr Jo Rust will take over the role
Cllr Jo Rust will take over the role

While of course, I need votes to get re-elected, not voting for me doesn’t mean I don’t, or won’t, work for you. Indeed, how would I know who voted for me (apart from residents who let me know that they have). I suspect Cllr Dark is finding it hard to adjust to being in the opposition, and I sympathise.

Anyway, having worked for over a decade to try to improve all aspects of life in North West Norfolk, my formal appointment to the cabinet really is the icing on the cake for me. I attended my first full council meeting in this position on Thursday 24th. I had spent ages preparing information about some of the brilliant services offered by our council and the hard-working staff, only to be disappointed I couldn’t share that information as we ran out of time! Three hours in the council chamber soon passes, especially when one motion can be debated for 45 minutes.

But these services are important for local residents, so I wanted to share them with you. Our council has an energy efficiency officer whose job it is to deliver energy efficiency improvement schemes and provide fuel poverty and cost of living support. Many people aren’t aware that there are schemes, which can retrofit items like air source heat pumps, cavity wall insulation, or even solar panels. that are fully funded, meaning residents won’t have to pay anything at all if they meet the criteria.

We all know that the cost-of-living crisis isn’t going to go away any time soon. Sadly, the Conservative government policies really don’t help the average person, concentrating on tax breaks for the wealthy instead. So, your council wants to help combat fuel poverty across the borough. If you live in a house that has an EPC rating of D or less, then you could qualify. Or if you have an income of under £31,000 you could also qualify. If your house has an improved EPC because of fitting these energy efficiency improvements it means that your heating bills will be less, so saving you money. Importantly, being more energy efficient also reduces the amount of CO2 produced, so helping the environment. To find out if you’re eligible for fully funded home improvements please contact housing.standards@west-norfolk.gov.uk.

Another service that our council offers is called the Help Hub. Sometimes in our lives we struggle for a variety of different reasons, but if we’re offered help early enough then we can overcome these problems. Our council takes referrals from organisations like the NHS, schools, housing providers, children’s centres, and others to provide support for those who are struggling with more than one problem. Help can be provided with housing matters, health and emotional well-being, independent living, community activities and much more. It’s an amazing service designed to ensure our residents can participate fully in life, because sometimes we just get stuck and need a hand.

I also met with staff at The Purfleet Pantry. What a fantastic service, but a sign of the times that life is so tough for so many, that a social supermarket is the only way that some families can feed their own. Membership costs just £3 per year and it gives you access to low-cost items which range from food to toiletries, hygiene and baby products. Sometimes they even have fresh bakery goods that are free. You don’t have to live in the PE30 postcode, or be on benefits to become a member, anyone can join. They also sell affordable furniture items for families or for first homes. They’re based near the South Gates and are well worth a visit.

So, although times are tough for so many, I’m proud of the work that our council and its partners are taking to try and ease some of that burden for our residents.

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