Hunstanton Town Council forms group to organise VE Day 80th anniversary event
“We owe it to our community,” were the words of the town mayor who asked his fellow councillors to start a group dedicated to organising VE Day events.
Cllr Michael Ruston suggested to fellow Hunstanton Town Councillors that the group is set up to prepare for the 80th anniversary of VE Day next year.
The task and finishing group was approved by all councillors, with four of them deciding to join the group, at a full meeting that took place last Wednesday.
During the same meeting, Cllr Damian Carruthers asked fellow councillors to consider starting a group dedicated to organising special events in the town.
Cllr Carruthers said: “I have got a lot to offer [for the group].
“I would devote a lot of time to it. It’s something I’m really passionate about. I have a lot of contacts as well.”
All councillors but one voted in favour of introducing the group.