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Hunstanton Town Council votes to keep its share of council tax the same as last two years

The amount households pay to one local authority through council tax has been frozen, as councillors unanimously voted to keep it the same as the past two years.

At Hunstanton Town Council’s full council meeting last Wednesday, members approved a recommendation by its finance and property management committee to keep the amount at £195,000, in a bid to help its residents through the cost-of-living crisis.

Cllr Mark Williamson, chair of the finance and property management committee, said: ”It is the second year in a row the town council has opted not to raise its precept.

Hunstanton Town Council’s full council meeting was held at the town hall
Hunstanton Town Council’s full council meeting was held at the town hall

“We know that many of our residents are in a cost-of-living crisis and that is about to get worse.

“In representing our residents, we have a special responsibility to mitigate that as much as possible, and that is why we are recommending no increase in council tax precept for 2024/25.”

Hunstanton Town Council also offers cost-of-living advice to its residents via the Helping Hands Café – open Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am to 12 noon.

It is a registered warm space, open to anyone, where warm drinks and snacks are offered on a pay-what-you-can-afford basis.

Mayor of Hunstanton, Cllr Michael Ruston, said: “If you’re finding the additional strain on your household finances untenable, don’t suffer on in silence.

“Advice is on hand on the different ways people can get assistance with buying food, staying warm, getting help with the rise in costs of bills and crisis support.

“At such a worrying time, mental health and wellbeing can also suffer. If you are struggling to cope, there are a variety of organisations who can support you, please come along to the Helping Hands Café or call the town clerk on 01485 532402 for more information.”

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