Woman who was caught drink driving in King’s Lynn was suffering with her mental health at the time
A court heard that a woman who was drink driving in Lynn was “swerving all over the road”.
Saran Godolja-Burrows, 29, appeared at Lynn’s Magistrates’ Court on Thursday where she admitted to driving above the specified limit.
Prosecutor Nicola Lamb told magistrates that on June 30, police noticed a car swerving while heading towards Saddlebow roundabout.
Officers said that the speed was inconsistent for the road and decided to pull over the driver, who turned out to be Godolja-Burrows.
A half-drunken bottle of Jack Daniels was found in the footwell and the defendant provided a breath test reading of 56 mcg of alcohol per 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mcg.
In mitigation, Andrew Cogan explained that Godolja-Burrows was struggling with her mental health at the time of the offence.
He said: “She was suffering with a mental health condition at the time.
“She has been taken under the wing of mental health services. If she wasn’t as depressed as she was she wouldn’t have been drink driving.
“She was so grateful to the police that she was stopped and that no one was hurt.”
Magistrates disqualified Godolja-Burrows, of Western Road in Leicester, from driving for 12 months and she was fined £461.
She was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £184 and court costs of £105.