ELECTION 2021: West Norfolk Council boss praises poll operation
The chief executive of West Norfolk Council has paid tribute to the efforts of staff who have helped to deliver local elections like no other.
After yesterday's Norfolk County Council results, today's second day of counting at Lynnsport will focus on the contest to be the county's next Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).
But, with coronavirus still in the forefront of everyone's minds, the counting hall looks very different from past elections.
Strict limits on the numbers allowed inside meant some candidates decided to wait for their results yesterday in camping chairs in the car park, while a marquee was also set up outside.
Borough council chief executive Lorraine Gore, who is a deputy returning officer for the county elections, said: "We've got far less tables. We've had to buy lots of screens, sanitise and clean down between.
"It's been a big challenge but everyone pulling together has made a great success of it."
Delays in the process of verification meant it wasn't until late afternoon that counting actually began yesterday.
But, once it did, it only took around three hours for all 14 borough seats to have results declared.
And Mrs Gore said everyone who took part in the elections, whatever their role was, had contributed to a smooth operation.
She said: "It's very much thanks to everyone who has worked in a polling station, everyone in the elections team who put things together and everyone on the count today.
"It's been a mammoth task and I just thank all the staff, everybody who volunteered to help and everybody who came out to vote, all the candidates and agents, everybody who followed the Covid guidelines.
"Without their help and support, we would not have got through today as well as we did."