Discover King's Lynn helping businesses manage rising inflation with free drop-in sessions in The Place
Starting on Tuesday, July 5, Discover King's Lynn has pulled together some free, no-obligation talks and drop-in sessions in The Place in town aimed at helping business owners manage the challenge of rising inflation.
The July 5, 12.30-1.30pm, session is led by Leanne Berycz, the founder of Nurture Consultancy Limited, a coaching, training and consultancy company which helps others achieve success.
Leanne will set out how we can develop a mindset to help us negotiate the challenges posed by COD (cash on delivery) and rising inflation.
On July 5, 12 and 19, 10am-2pm, Sharon of Mapus-Smith and Lemmon, a local accountancy firm based in King Street, will be available to talk to you about: business plans and cash flows, cash management, cost-saving strategies, tax planning including VAT and making tax digital, self-assessment and corporation tax, setting up new accounting software and lots more.
There is lots more going on this month, so go to
Events include networking meetings, free social media training and more.