Here’s the latest planning applications submitted to West Norfolk, Breckland and North Norfolk councils
Brancaster: 24/01407/F, The Nook, 6 Common Lane, New Dwelling to be used as holiday let.
Dersingham: 24/01391/F, Crestaville, 18 Jubilee Drive, Porch extension to front of dwelling.
Emneth: 24/01466/O, Longridge, 37 Elm High Road, OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION WITH SOME MATTERS RESERVED FOR: Proposed Residential Development (up to 8 dwellings) involving demolition of existing dwelling.
Hunstanton: 24/01513/F, 1A Old Town Way, Rear extension & alterations to dwelling.
King's Lynn: 24/01487/F, Service Station, 1 - 5 Lynn Road, VARIATION OF CONDITION 2 OF PLANNING CONSENT 23/02164/F : Demolition of existing car wash, provision of a 'Food to Go' pod, provision an EVC hub with canopy, 2 jet wash bays, a bin store and associated works;
24/01494/LB, Medieval Merchant House, 9 King Street, Alterations and repairs throughout dwelling;
24/01510/LB, 32 & 33 Bridge Street, Listed Building Application: Change of use of Dance Studio to domestic space, Internal and external alterations to reinstate physical separation between dwellings.
24/01533/F, 4 Old Berol Court, Scania Way, Hardwick Industrial Estate, Retrospective Change of use of existing commercial storage facility to crazy golf centre and external area for mobile catering units.
Leziate: 24/01501/F, The Pightle, 168 Leziate Drove, Ashwicken, Side and Rear Extensions to dwelling including increased ridge height of 1.75m and conversion of outbuilding to annex. Temporary siting of static caravan for duration of works.
Northwold: 24/01398/F, Land Adjacent Former Coal Yard, Thetford Road, Erection of 2 X 5-bed dwellings with garages, and change of use of land to large community garden and reading room (with drainage field below) to serve neighbouring residential development.
Snettisham: 24/01511/PACU3, Land And Buildings South of Park Farm Barns, Bircham Road, Notification for Prior Approval: Change of Use of Agricultural Barn to one Dwellinghouse (Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q).
South Creake: 24/01416/F, Sambea Cottage, Back Lane, Linking of existing family room to dwelling house via glazed link together with external facing (brick/flint/timber) to existing building;
24/01496/F, Manor Farm House, 57 Burnham Road, Variation of condition 1 attached to planning permission 23/01952/F: VARIATION OF CONDITION 2 OF PLANNING PERMISSION 22/01975/F: Widening of access from Burnham Road including part demolition and rebuilding of part front wall to improve visibility from access point,. General repairs to roadside wall,landscaping garden area including enhanced parking and turning area to front of house. Addition of porch to front of house and extension to rear of house for boot room/rear entrance, extension to south elevation for conservatory, upgrading driveway surface areas, erection of new and replacement gates, general overhaul and repairs to house.
Syderstone: 24/01300/F, Arwyn, 13 Ashside, detached garage with new gate and dropped kerb access;
24/01409/F, Windy Ridge, 9 Mill Lane, Demolition of an existing annexe associated with the main dwellinghouse to be replaced with the Construction of one, single storey, dwelling.
Terrington St Clement: 24/01302/F, Dunroamin, 68 Lynn Road, detached annexe;
24/01515/F, 3 Wesley Close, Erection of single-storey rear extension including internal and external alterations to dwelling, and erect single car carport.
Tilney All Saints: 24/01480/RM, White Gables, Shepherdsgate Road, Reserved Matters Application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of one dwelling.
Upwell: 24/01433/F, Land W of 34, Small Lode, Full planning application for proposed 2-storey dwelling and detached double garage;
24/01495/T3, Pumping Station W of The Junction With Back Drove, Baptist Road, APPLICATION TO DETERMINE IF PRIOR APPROVAL IS REQUIRED: Proposed Arqiva smart metering. 1No. Omni at 13.45m mean mounted on proposed 12.0m streetworks pole. Proposed Arqiva smart metering 1No. GPS Antenna at 12.00m mean mounted on proposed streetworks pole. Proposed Arqiva smart metering 1No. 3G Omni Antenna at 4.19m mean mounted on streetworks pole. Proposed Arqiva smart metering equipment enclosure to be installed on root foundation. Proposed Arqiva 2 NO. concrete bollards.
Walpole: 24/01275/FM, Frenchs Road, Construction of a battery energy storage system and ancillary development Land E548887 N317051 NE of White House Farm.
Wiggenhall St Germans: 24/01493/AG, Land S of Polperro Too, High Road, Agricultural Prior Notification: Agricultural building (30 metres by 12 metres), with a lean to the southern elevation (30 metres x 6 metres). A hardcore/matted area will surround the building. The door to the eastern side will be 5 metres tall and 4.5 metres wide. The land will be accessed by an existing field access from the highway.
Fakenham: PF/24/1793, 193A Norwich Road, erection of extensions to garage to create additional garage and storage area;
CD/24/1759, Waterhouse Farm Waterhouse, Discharge of Conditions 3 (External Materials) & 4 (Tree Protection Plan) of planning permission PF/23/2569 (Erection of building to provide Padel tennis facility with two indoor courts, changing facilities, bar and sitting area; construction of outdoor court and parking area);
PF/24/1706, Travis Perkins Clipbush Business Park Hawthorn Way, Installation of 20ft shipping container to be used as welfare facility.
Necton: 3DC/2024/0169/DOC, Land south of Necton Substation, Discharge of conditions 16 & 17 on pp 3PL/2023/0848/F;
3PL/2024/0662/VAR, Land south of Necton Substation, Variation of Condition No 12 on pp 3PL/2023/0848/F - amend wording of condition regarding noise;
3DC/2024/0159/DCO, Converter Works Station, Discharge of Requirement 32 (Operational Drainage Plan) of The Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm Order 2022, as amended by The Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm (Amendment) Order 2022, for Stage 7 Civils and Electrical Works for the Onshore Converter Station;
3DC/2024/0161/DCO, West Converter Station, Discharge of Requirement 18 (Landscaping Management Scheme) of The Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm Order 2022, as amended by The Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm (Amendment) Order 2022, for Stage 7 Civils and Electrical Works for the Norfolk Vanguard West Onshore Converter Station;
3DC/2024/0155/DCO, Works to the North East of Necton, Discharge of Requirement 16 (2) (Detailed Design Parameters Onshore) of The Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm Order 2022, as amended by The Norfolk Vanguard Offshore Wind Farm (Amendment) Order 2022, for Stage 7 Civils and Electrical Works for the Norfolk Vanguard West Onshore Converter Station.