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Illustrated talk about the fight for a Stoke Ferry bypass

An illustrated history talk and discussion about the story of the Stoke Ferry bypass in the 1970s and 80s is being held.

The talk will be led by Jim McNeill and Chris Young and takes place on Monday at the Community Room of All Saints School, Wretton Road, Stoke Ferry. Doors open at 7pm and the talk starts promptly at 7.30pm.

The event is organised by The Stoke Ferry & District History Group and cost is £5 (free to members), with free refreshments available.

Lorries entering the centre of Stoke Ferry village in 1984
Lorries entering the centre of Stoke Ferry village in 1984

Speaker Jim McNeill said: "The evening will commemorate the story of how local people fought for, campaigned and succeeded in lifting the siege through the construction of their bypass on the A134 and finally, in 1985 ending the horror story of the through traffic in their village.

“The event will be an opportunity for many to recall the times in Stoke Ferry when residents took their lives in their hands just crossing the street or walking to school, when buildings were blackened and damaged by articulated lorries and residents had to live in the backs of their High Street houses because of the heavy traffic passing so close to their windows and front doors.”

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