Fakenham Junior School children enjoy a day at the theatre
Some 250 Fakenham Junior School children from Years 3 to 6 enjoyed a day out at the theatre.
Active Fakenham arranged and funded a visit to see the award winning Protein Dance theatre company who put on a mesmerising performance of The Little Prince.
The mixture of dance, humour and spoken word enthralled the pupils, who sat entranced as the performers swooped and spiralled, laughed and cried.
Year 3 teacher John-Paul Ringer said: “What a truly wonderful performance. Even our most distracted pupils were entranced. We produced some brilliant abstract art that illustrated the movements and moods of the show.”
Richard Crook, from Active Fakenham, said: “A couple of us from Active Fakenham went to the performances which were impressive but possibly even more impressive were the children.
“They were focused and seemed to be very involved throughout. The questions they asked the cast at the end were so insightful. The performances were at the Fakenham Community Centre which kindly offered the hall at a reduced price.
“We are working increasingly with schools and other community groups. We organised a theatre performance for the whole of the Infant School last summer which was also a great success. I think taking activities to people often works better than expecting people to come to our events. In many ways it is more inclusive.”
Both schools, and also the Duke of Lancaster School, are decorating ducks for local businesses that are entering the Active Fakenham Corporate Duck race in June.
Active Fakenham has also donated £150 worth of duck race tickets to Parent Teacher Associations at local schools and are expecting at least one school to enter a cardboard raft for the races. Richard is planning to take the Active Fakenham smoothie bikes to the school fairs again this year.