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Last chance to submit questions for Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner Sarah Taylor’s accountability meeting

Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner Sarah Taylor is hoping to hear questions from residents ahead of the year’s first accountability meeting later this month.

It takes place in Wymondham on Wednesday, January 29 from 10am, allowing Ms Taylor to question, challenge and hold Norfolk’s Chief Constable Paul Sanford and senior officers to account on how policing is delivered across the county.

As questions need to be submitted prior to the meeting, the PCC is encouraging residents to share their questions with her by 5pm today (Wednesday).

Norfolk's Chief Constable Paul Sanford with Police and Crime Commissioner, Sarah Taylor. Picture: Jason Bye Photography
Norfolk's Chief Constable Paul Sanford with Police and Crime Commissioner, Sarah Taylor. Picture: Jason Bye Photography

Ms Taylor said: “With a new year ahead of us, I’m really keen to hear from the people across Norfolk. Wherever you live, it is important that your voice is heard in the process of holding the police to account, and the accountability meetings provide a form opportunity for this to happen.

“Last year hundreds of people took part in my consultation for the new Police and Crime Plan, providing their insights on what they want to be prioritised when holding the police to account.

“I would like to thank everyone for their input, which has been invaluable in helping me to shape the Police and Crime Plan.

Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner Sarah Taylor. Picture: Jason Bye Photography
Norfolk Police and Crime Commissioner Sarah Taylor. Picture: Jason Bye Photography

“I will be launching said Police and Crime Plan in the spring, and this will help me prioritise projects and commissioning decisions, as well as the specific areas of policing that I will prioritise when holding the Chief Constable to account.

“At every PAM I ask the public's questions. By doing this, I can make sure that individual questions are answered about any part of policing or crime prevention.

“More and more people are taking this opportunity and I would invite residents and businesses alike to get in touch with their questions for the next meeting."

The upcoming accountability meeting will provide Ms Taylor with the opportunity to gauge the performance of police against the previous PCC’s Police, Crime and Community Safety Plan, including reports from the Chief Constable and senior officers on the six priority areas:

• Sustain Norfolk Constabulary

• Visible and Trusted Policing

• Tackling Crime

• Prevent Offending

• Support Victims

• Safer and Stronger Communities

The meeting will take place in the Barsby Conference Room at the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Building 7, Jubilee House, Falconers Chase, Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 0WW.

The public are welcome to attend and observe the meeting in person, and will need to register their attendance by 5pm on January 22 if they wish to do so.

To register your attendance, visit https://www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/key-information/accountability/pcc-accountability-meeting/ for more information.

You can submit your questions today by:

• Completing the contact form on the above website.

• Email: opccn@norfolk.police.uk using ‘PCC Accountability Meeting Questions’ as the subject.

Anyone living, working or studying in Norfolk can submit one question at each PCC accountability meeting, limited to a maximum of 100 words.

Questions must relate to policing priorities in your area or within the county and you must provide your name, address and contact telephone number.

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