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Loss of wildlife habitat in King's Lynn

I would suggest to anyone who cares for the environment to walk or cycle to see this lovely spot. Go down Chase Avenue, over the bridge to the allotments, turn left and walk to the railway line. Go past the entrance to Kings Avenue and follow the dyke, or river, to the trading estate.

GV photo of land off Rollesby Road Hardwick Industrial Estate King's Lynn where a Planning Application for 19 Factory Units to be built (2321036)
GV photo of land off Rollesby Road Hardwick Industrial Estate King's Lynn where a Planning Application for 19 Factory Units to be built (2321036)

See the great wild flowers along the bank and the huge brambles etc on the other side. Magic. You will see the area referred to. It was desecrated recently by the removal of most of the trees etc.

There was no warning and nobody caring about what was killed under the machines that worked there. You will then come out onto the trading estate. Turn left, and walk to the end of this small road. You will then turn left again and go through a cycle and walking path about 100 yards long.

This is a nice piece too. You can see the controversial area by looking left. You come out in Extons Place. If you come via the Fairstead direction, come over the railway bridge, turn right and go to the bottom of the road.

I know the council has to make as much as they can, but there are empty buildings on the Hardwick Estate. We have to keep some places like this don’t we?

A W Mitchell


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