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Health is a human right, Lynn News Letters

It does well to record in this time of cuts and creeping privatisation the achievements of the NHS. Firstly, it is a model of healthcare that is the most efficient and most effective for all the community and it belongs to all citizens who pay for it according to their means and citizens are treated without prejudice.

NHS. (2971903)
NHS. (2971903)

No government has the right to privatise any part of it without the consent of the citizens. It has been at the forefront of innovation and research, the latest being revolutionary DNA tests in disease treatment. All the innovations treat everyone, not just a few who can afford them. If one has to have an MRI or CT scan, one will not be asked for insurance clearance first.

Not only does the NHS rely on home-spun innovation, it makes available innovations from the rest of the world for all citizens. The NHS is based on the principle that health is a human right not a goody for the privileged few. This right applies to all peoples and instead of cutting its services, the UK should be promoting this principle, this efficient and effective way of delivering healthcare as a right. Someone in the poorest part of the world has the same right as we in this country. We should be opposing the profiteering at the expense of our health, the research and the skill and dedication of our healthcare professionals. Those who exploit the NHS contribute nothing towards it. The Virgin group of companies, who are gradually taking over services, are registered in a tax haven. Hands off, Branson. It is our NHS.

Mike Larcey

Downham Market

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