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Sooty's plea to Lynn News readers

After many happy years as the mascot for the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), I would love it if instead of giving me birthday gifts, people would volunteer to raise money for the charity.

RNIB, which is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year, is looking for people who have a few hours to spare each week to distribute collection boxes in the shape of me.

Sooty (3033065)
Sooty (3033065)

Popular locations for these ‘Sooty boxes’ include pubs, petrol stations and supermarkets – anywhere that people may be inspired to donate their loose change to a worthy cause.

The money raised will do lots of good things, making sure RNIB can keep providing information and emotional support to people with sight loss, as well as practical advice and services like the charity’s Talking Books library.

By becoming a Sooty box collector, you’ll help RNIB continue to provide these invaluable services making every day better for people with sight loss across the UK. You can find out more about volunteering as a Sooty box collector for RNIB by visiting www.rnib.org.uk/sooty

Thank you for reading and an even bigger thank you if you’ve been inspired to sign up as a volunteer!

Izzy, wizzy, let’s get busy!


on behalf of RNIB

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