Taxpayers’ cash wasted on Sir Cliff Richard case, Lynn News Letters
Sir Cliff has been pilloried by the press who can’t wait to get their grubby little paws on any celebrity who might be useful to them. It is hard to know what the BBC expected to get out of this financially disastrous foray into the world of the gutter press.
To date Cliff has received an undisclosed sum from the police and a whopping £200,000 from the BBC. All of it taxpayers’ hard-earned money just thrown down this high profile toilet.
Cliff gets his apology and a small fortune and what of the person who made this apparently unsubstantiated allegation?
Shouldn’t those who make these allegations be expected to stand by their stories? And shouldn’t those who are on the sharp end of them be allowed privacy until such time as the truth is revealed, or not?
It seems the courts are minded to protect the innocent until proven guilty, but it’s hard to understand why this basic tenet of our judicial system was ever in doubt.
On a separate note, concerned readers may have noted my comments regarding the disappearance of wreaths on our war memorial. I am reliably informed that a parishioner had carefully removed them and their whereabouts is known.
Steve Mackinder