King's Lynn Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Health Secretary, Lord Bellingham, Liz Truss & West Norfolk Council in Lynn News letters
What’s the actual point of them?
We’re now on our third Secretary of State for Health since it was revealed precisely how poor the condition is of the roof of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Lynn.
We’ve been through Matt Hancock (seems like an age ago), then we had Sajid Javid (who jumped ship) and now we have North East Cambridgeshire MP, Stephen Barclay in charge of health and the NHS.
I for one was really heartened by this appointment, as not only did Steve’s wife give birth to their son at the QEH, his own constituents use it for their healthcare needs.
Surely this would stand us in good stead when the decisions about funding were going to be made (I’m glossing over the fact that these decisions should have been made a year ago).
But no, in matter of fact, it could well be the opposite. I wrote to both Steve Barclay and James Wild after the closure of three operating theatres due to fears over the structural integrity. Staff had reported the ceiling was bowing.
I asked to meet with them to discuss the state of the QEH. While I’ve yet to hear from my own MP, Stephen Barclay’s office did reply – with this: “Steve is very aware of the challenges at QEH regarding the structure of the main hospital.
“He has recently visited to see the progress being made at the hospital such as the recently opened eye clinic, new maternity facilities and the endoscopy department, as well as seeing the challenges they face.
“Steve is engaged with all the issues involved. In respect of Steve’s ministerial role, conflicts of interest mean he is not able to take a decision as Secretary of State regarding matters that affect his own constituency or constituents and such decisions would be taken by another Minister.”
So, the newly appointed, local MP for health can’t even make a decision about the hospital his constituents use. If this is the case here, then surely it follows that the same will also be true for Liz Truss, unable to make decisions about matters where she could have a conflict of interests if she’s appointed Tory leader and the next PM. I have to ask, what is the actual point of them?
Jo Rust
Independent Borough
Councillor, Springwood Ward
Supermarket decision could actually lead to job losses
In May, the Borough Council’s planning committee narrowly (9-7) approved an application by Lidl for full permission for an out of town supermarket near Downham, in spite of warnings by officers that such a development was a breach of planning policy that the Council will “strongly” resist proposals for out of town retail users that would undermine the viability of town centres, learning perhaps from the damage the Hardwick retail park has done to Lynn town centre.
After I had spoken to the planning committee asking the councillors present what’s the point in having a local plan if you simply ignore it, chairman Cllr Vivienne Spikings questioned those who sought to ignore the Borough Council’s own policies.
She tried to extract from former Borough Council leader, Cllr Brian Long, what were his reasons for proposing approval of the Lidl application.
Despite the best efforts of Chairman Spikings all she could get from Cllr Long was the benefits outweighed the usual reasons for refusal along with the prospect of additional jobs coming to the area.
Not content with Cllr Long’s reasons, a major retailer sought leave to take the Borough Council to judicial review.
The decision of the Borough Council’s Planning Committee has now been quashed by Judicial Review, at a so far unspecified cost to the Borough Council.
The major retailer was very clearly rightly concerned at the quality of the decision which was felt failed to reach any conclusion on whether the Borough Council’s planning policy was complied with.
In the minutes of the committee, the reasons for approval were stated by Cllr Long, “that the benefit outweighs the normal reasons for refusal in the provision of additional jobs and amenity for the people of Downham and surrounding villages”.
Cllr Long’s words should be given careful consideration as he is also the chairman of Norfolk County Council’s planning regulatory committee.
In this important role he is expected to know, that following a number of High Court judgements, for a planning committee to approve an application there must be sound planning reasons given.
Normally in the officer’s report to the planning committee there will be a recommendation that offers genuine planning reasons for approving an application. However, in this instance the officers had originally recommended refusal of the application.
Cllr Long may have misled himself and the committee in stating his planning reasons for approving this controversial application.
The decision could lead to the potential loss of jobs in the retail sector in the town that could outweigh the new jobs Lidl’s would bring.
At Judicial Review the judge was also concerned that the Borough Council’s planning committee when approving the Lidl application acted irrationally, acted in breach of Government regulations and relied on an unlawful agreement between Lidl and the borough council.
The consequence is that the council will presumably have to pay the costs of the challenge to the committee decision as the committee failed to take into account whether the town plan was complied with, and it is yet to be decided that should the applicant resubmit the application on similar terms the members of the committee could be considered predetermined and therefore not eligible to participate in deciding such an application.
Cllr Tom Ryves
Henry was such a great MP
It was so wonderful to read a letter in the Lynn News from Lord Bellingham.
Henry’s record spoke for itself. He had true integrity with a proven record of representing all his constituents, rich or poor, young or old, working or seeking work.
He had true respect and humility, always working for his constituents, just as an MP is voted in and is paid to genuinely serve the people of North West Norfolk.
How wonderful to see Henry’s genuine loyalty to Liz Truss because they worked together for West Norfolk, including their co-ordinated campaign against the incinerator, proving first hand Liz’s genuine commitment to West Norfolk. We need strong leaders to fight for us, and for our voices to be heard, and not to just use their position for a platform for furthering their own agenda and career.
Frances Payne
South Lynn
Constituents won’t notice any difference if she is PM
Liz Truss’ charm offensive was forced to face a ‘reality check’ after she’d blurted out her ‘regional pay body’ plans and the very idea was exposed as impossible drivel and she performed a massive ‘U’ turn and withdrew her latest policy pledge.
Shooting from the hip and airy promises are her stock-in-trade as anyone in her SW Norfolk constituency will attest. Her acceptance speech when first voted in to this Tory ‘safe seat’ was filled with promises to support and work hard for her chosen people and gratitude for placing our trust in her.
Her tenure has been characterised by sporadic forays into the constituency where she’s been conspicuous by her absence. She’s casually used us as an unwitting platform to perch on as she makes her dubious path through Westminster.
As PM she’ll have even less time to become enmeshed in the trivialities of our little rural backwater and frankly, we won’t be able to tell the difference between ordinary MP Lizzie and PM Lizzie.
Steve Mackinder