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Nursery in Downham Market given ‘good’ rating after Ofsted inspection

A nursery in Downham has been given a ‘good’ rating after it was visited by Ofsted inspectors in January.

Clever Clogs Nursery, which runs from the Jubilee Community Centre on Howdale Road, was found to be ‘good’ in all four inspection areas.

Clever Clogs Nursery celebrating good Ofsted. (7632268)
Clever Clogs Nursery celebrating good Ofsted. (7632268)

Managers Lisa Webb and Debbie Tasker said: “We are very proud to have gained a rating of ‘good’ as we feel extremely passionate about our nursery and pride ourselves on the quality of childcare we deliver.

“We have been running the nursery together since 2007 and there’s never a dull day.”

The nursery, which had been giving a ‘good’ rating by the watchdog after its last inspection in 2015, was rated as ‘good’ in its effectiveness of leadership and management, quality of teaching, learning and assessment, personal development, behaviour and welfare, and outcomes for children.

The report states that “staff know the children well”, they are “highly successful in promoting children’s social skills”, they “develop strong and trusting relationships with parents” and “support children’s early literacy skills well”.

It adds: “The experienced management team provides effective leadership and is committed to continuous improvement.”

The nursery currently offers two-year-old funded spaces for 15 hours per week as well as three-year-old funding up to 30 hours per week. They also provide a breakfast club to Hillcrest Primary School.

Call 01366 383337 for more information.

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