Record breaking season for King’s Lynn Town Guides
Lynn Town Guides have recorded a record number of tours, following two poor years due to Covid-19 restrictions.
They also recorded record income for the year to the end of October, when the official tour season closed.
The aim of the Town Guides, who are all volunteers, is not only to provide informative tours of the town with its rich history and many graded buildings, but also to boost tourism by encouraging more visitors.
The increase in tours was, in part, due to the completion in the summer of the 10-month Town Guides training course, with 15 prospective guides receiving their badges.
With the newly-qualified guides adding to the team, it was possible to add more tours to the calendar, with more than 1,700 people enjoying them.
The funds raised from the tours all goes towards donations to local historical groups responsible for preserving the town’s proud heritage.
Although the formal tour season has closed it is still possible to book party tours and anyone interested in doing so should email