New toilet block promised for Downham Market
Investment in much-needed new public toilets at the Town Hall car park in Downham has been promised and work to assess the options is already under way.
The toilets were first installed as part of a £1.7m town regeneration programme in 2003.
In more recent years, maintenance of the lack of parts from the company that manufactured and installed them.
This was highlighted when West Norfolk Council leader Cllr Stuart Dark had a walk round with the Downham Mayor Cllr Charlie Pyatt and town council clerk.
Cllr Dark said: “During the visit, I asked them what the biggest issues for them in the town were.
“I was advised the biggest issue was the toilet block. These toilets are closed more than they are open and are almost at the point of being beyond serviceable use.”
The accessible toilet in this block had been converted to a more traditional model, which has been easier to maintain, but this didn’t resolve the main problems with the rest of the block.
Cllr Dark added: “The standard of these toilets has deteriorated to an unacceptable level, and they are now more of an inconvenience than a public convenience.
“Our focus is on bringing this toilet block up to scratch. This project is further evidence of our investment in Downham. Previously we invested in the play equipment at the Howdale, and in picnic benches.”
Cllr Pyatt added: “The toilet block, which all will agree has needed renovation work for some time, has caused much frustration to the borough council and the town council, with the parts being obsolete so little to no refurbishment work could be completed.
“The town council looks forward to receiving the design plans for the toilet block .”
The programme for the work, and the nature of the work will be confirmed once the initial assessment of the site has been undertaken.
Funding for the toilets upgrade has been earmarked from an existing special projects budget, which is created from underspends during the year.