King’s Lynn author Peter Oddey publishes book called ‘Tarot and the Cube of Space’
A retired financial advisor and respected businessman has made use of his passion by publishing a book.
Peter Oddey, from Lynn, has turned his interest in the cube of space into a book under the pen name ‘Oderic’. It is titled ‘Tarot and The Cube of Space’.
He said: “The cube of space is a fascinating and complex subject that has been studied by mathematicians, scientists, and philosophers for two millennia.
“I’m excited to share the fascinating insights this topic raises with readers, in a way that is both accessible and engaging.”
The book is accompanied by an illustrated tarot card pack by artist Ann Stoker.
The cards are based on the symbols applied to the cube of space and provide a unique way to explore the concepts discussed in the book.
Stoker said: “The tarot cards are a beautiful and evocative way to represent the ideas in the book.
“I hope they will inspire readers to think more deeply about the cube of space and its significance.”
There are very few other books available about the cube of space, so this could be a well-received addition to the subject.