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That’s Entertainment - Help out at the library

I’m always pleased to praise and recommend events and services provided by our local libraries, churches and museums, and this week I begin by suggesting a way of supporting our excellent library service.

Why not become a friend of your local library by helping to organise events for fundraising or fun?

There’s many ways to get involved, and King’s Lynn Library would like to hear from you. There’s a special recruitment event coming up soon, but in the meantime, why not give Kerry Lingwood a call on 01553 772568 to learn more?

n Tomorrow from 2-4pm, St Faith’s Church at Gaywood is holding it’s annual Spring Fair. There will be the usual stalls, children’s games, raffles, refreshments and lots more to entertain us including a new Children’s Bonnet Competition – it sounds great fun. Do go along to support.

Don’t miss the Craft Fair on March 25, between 11am and 4pm, at Pia Plum, Grimston. There’s lots of crazy, charming and uncommon creations to acquire so a visit would be well worth it.

n I can’t think of a better combination as a refreshing brew, cake and a good musical performance. Head to Lynn Minster this Sunday afternoon for a relaxing, civilised event, and, I understand some Telemann on the musical menu, starting at 3pm. What could be better? Donations go toward The Minster Restoration fund.

n Waterstones Book Group meet again on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 25 at 4pm. The Norfolk Street branch is the meeting place to discuss Jessie Burton’s novel, The Muse.

The book was chosen by members of the group who will also enjoy tea, coffee and biscuits while they deliberate. Do come along and join the friendly and lively discussion there’s sure to be.

n RSPB Titchwell Marsh Nature Reserve is offering great events and opportunities to explore the natural world for people of all ages.

For young people the reserve is holding bespoke classes with wildlife artist Tom Whiley who will help anyone to improve field sketching techniques or learn how to sketch wildlife both still and action.

Classes continue until the end of August. To find out more about the classes or the events being held at Titchwell call 01485 210779, or visit www.rspb.org.uk/titchwellmarsh

n Don’t forget The King’s Lynn Festival continues on the evening of Friday, April 6, at 7.30pm with Ronnie Scott’s All Stars: The Great American Songbook. Another example of the variety and quality of our Festival, this time with an American flavour.

St George’s Guildhall is the venue and tickets can be obtained from the box office on 01553 764864.

n That other fine festival starts this very day – King’s Lynn Fiction Festival. There’s cause to celebrate as it’s the 30th anniversary, so do get over to Lynn’s Town Hall, find out the details and get booked in.

n As mentioned previously , the King’s Lynn Players are presenting ‘The Secret Garden’ between March 22-24.

Again the venue is St George’s Guildhall at Lynn’s Arts Centre and we can depend on another high quality production.

Tickets can be booked by calling the box office on 01553 764864.

n Sir Robert Walpole, Britain’s first prime minister, lived, of course, at Houghton Hall and the annual Diana Bullock Memorial Lecture is presented by the King’s Lynn Town Guides, given by Chris Boxall.

This enlightening lecture takes place on the evening of Wednesday, March 28,

Starting at 7.30pm. The venue is again Lynn’s Town Hall. More fascinating local history.

n Next time, a reminder of The Norfolk Symphony Orchestra’s next concert featuring French music – after all it’s 100 years (almost) since the great composer died.

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