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Video shows Religious group on the streets of King's Lynn outside McDonald's say 'gay people are the work of satan, sin and lust' and will 'walk the path to hell'

Police confirmed they have received complaints after a religious group wearing sandwich boards have been walking the streets of Lynn telling others of their "sins".

Members of the group, who are handing out flyers in town, have been seen speaking on microphones about the "sins of homosexuality" and "repenting on being a sinner".

Several residents have come forward to say they have felt harassed by the group and police have been witnessed asking people if they are ok when talking to them.

A member of the religious group seen around Lynn with sandwich boards (57661522)
A member of the religious group seen around Lynn with sandwich boards (57661522)

A man was asked by the Lynn News his views on homosexuality and he said he "agrees with the bible".

The bible says in Leviticus:"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

One shopper in town said: "I was approached by a member of this group and they asked me on account of my age - how much time do you think you have left?"

A woman who lives in Lynn said: "They shouted at me about adultery."

The Lynn News approached a member of the religious group to confirm these phrases were true, as they had reportedly been said in broad daylight in front of children in Lynn's High Street.

The man said in the video: "It's not about what I think and feel.I agree with the bible. Homosexuality is lust and sin, not love. God created a man and woman to procreate, God will only forgive you if you repent."

He mentioned "Satan" and was asked "So you think homosexuality exists because of Satan?" to which he replied "yes".

The footage was taken today at around 1.15pm, where young people were present. As the Lynn News filmed the man speaking, another member of the group started to film the interaction.

The film recorder's retort to the Lynn News after interviewing his colleague was : "So it's ok to be a paedophile then? If homosexuality is ok is paedophilia?"

The Crown Prosecution Service says this could fall under the category of a hate crime.

Hate crime is categorised by the CPS as ""Any incident/criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person's sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation.

"Any incident/criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender".

The group seem extremist, but are within their rights to speak freely about their beliefs, however many have complained and feel that the sentiments

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