King's Lynn nursery Little Bunnies ‘Outstanding’ after Ofsted inspection
A Lynn nursery achieved an ‘Outstanding’ grade after its first-ever Ofsted inspection.
Little Bunnies Day Nursery, on the Hardwick Industrial Estate, employs 16 members of childcare staff and provides funded early education for two-, three- and four-year-old children, 80 of whom are on the roll.
It was given its first routine inspection since the Covid-19 pandemic began early in 2020.
The inspector's activities included completing a learning walk together of all areas of the nursery with the manager, talking to staff at appropriate times, and observing group activities and the quality of education being provided.
It was ranked as Outstanding in four overall areas: the quality of education; behaviour and attitudes; personal development; and leadership and management.
concluded: "Children make exceptional progress and flourish in this rich learning environment.
Further comments included: "Staff know the children well and follow their individual interests to help them achieve the best possible outcomes. Staff ensure the quality of teaching and care is maintained at the highest level throughout the nursery.
"Children gain numerous independence skills. They learn to dress themselves, pour their own drinks and wash their plates after snack time.
"Children have excellent behaviour and are happy and confident learners. They listen carefully and respond to instructions from an early age. Staff remind children of the nursery rules and model positive behaviour by teaching them how to be kind to others and how to stay safe.
"Children show very high levels of curiosity and sit happily alongside staff as they read."
The report continued on the quality of education: "Children are confident learners and have high levels of engagement while taking part in stimulating and well thought-out activities.
"Staff have a secure knowledge of child development and how to support children's individual needs. They deliver high-quality interactions and build on children's speech and language effectively. For example, babies are exposed to language from an early age.
"Pre-school children enthusiastically engage in conversations through circle time, during stories and group activities.
"Parents speak highly of staff and comment on how thoughtful, approachable and caring they are. They feel well informed about what their children are learning and how they can support them at home.
"Children develop excellent knowledge around healthy eating, hygiene and good oral health.
"Those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, make excellent progress.
"There is a high priority for promoting children's personal, social and emotional development. Children make excellent progress in their physical development [they] also do music and movement lessons and sport sessions to learn new skills and how to move their bodies."
There was praise for the management: "Managers lead the team with enthusiasm and are passionate about continually raising the quality of service they provide. There is a high priority on supporting staff's professional development.
"There is a strong culture of safeguarding. All staff demonstrate an excellent understanding of how to protect children from harm. There is regular training and policy updates."
Little Bunnies Day Nursery registered in 2019 and opens from Monday to Friday, all year round. Sessions are from 7.30am until 6pm.
Ofsted carried out this inspection under sections 49 and 50 of the Childcare Act 2006 on the quality and standards of provision that is registered on the Early Years Register.